Welcome to the homepage of Waseda Laboratory! Our field is Applied Physical Oceanography Laboratory (APOL).

Researches in Waseda Laboratory consist of two themes, which are the studies of ocean waves and the studies of ocean currents.
Our main research methods are numerical simulation, observation and water tank experiment.

The research contents of the students in the laboratory are very broad.
They consist of clarifying the mechanism of freak waves and Kuroshio, the assessment on the ocean renewable energy, the forecast simulation of ocean waves and ocean currents, and the proposing of a new method for ocean observation.

Prof. Waseda also supervises students working with Swadhin BEHERA Visiting Professor. They usually work in the same room as the students in Waseda Lab. Students works in the same room as Takagi Lab (785, Env Bldg.).

Movie about Our Research


Chiba-ken Kashiwa-shi Kashiwanoha 5-1-5
The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus
<Professor's Office>
Environmental Studies Building 7F room769b
TEL: 04-7136-4885
Extension: 64885
<Students Laboratory>
Environmental Studies Building 7F room785
TEL: 04-7136-4880
Extension: 64880