Peer-reviewed journal papers:
- Suzuki, H., Sakai, Y., Yoshimura, Y., Houtani, H., Carmo, L. H. S., Yoshimoto, H., Kamizawa, K. & Gonçalves, R. T., “Non-Linear Motion Characteristics of a Shallow Draft Cylindrical Barge Type Floater for a FOWT in Waves”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(1), 56, 2021.
- Goncalves, R. T., Chame, M. E. F., Silva, L. S. P., Koop, A., Hirabayashi, S. and Suzuki, H.” Flow-induced motions (FIM) of a floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) semi-submersible type (OC4 phase II floater), Part I: Experimental results”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol.143, 2021.
- Mello, P. C., Malta, E. B., da Silva, R. O., Candido, M. H., do Carmo, L. H. S., Alberto, I. F., ... & Gonçalves, R. T. Influence of heave plates on the dynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine in waves. JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2020.
- Gonçalves, R. T., Chame, M. E. F., Hannes, N. H., Silva de Paula Lopes, P. P., Hirabayashi, S., & Suzuki, H. FIM-Flow-Induced Motion of Three-Column Platforms. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 30(02), 177-185, 2020.
- Gonçalves, R. T., Pinto, L. A., & Fujarra, A. L. Experimental study on vortex-induced motions of a semi-submersible platform with four square columns, part III: Effects of the collinear irregular and regular wave incidence and current. Ocean Engineering, 217, 107585, 2020.
- Tian, C., Liu, M., Xiao, L., Goncalves, R. T., Xie, W., & Wang, S. Effects of the position of pipe-type appendages on the flow induced motions, energy transformation, and drag force of a TLP. Applied Ocean Research, 102464, 2020.
- Suzuki, H., Shiohara, H., Schnepf, A., Houtani, H., Carmo, L.H.S., Hirabayashi, S., Haneda, K., Chujo, T., Nihei, Y., Malta, E.B. & Gonçalves, R.T., “Wave and Wind Responses of a Very-Light FOWT with Guy-Wired-Supported Tower: Numerical and Experimental Studies”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(11), 841, 2020.
- Rodolfo Trentin Gonçalves, Maria Eduarda Felippe Chame, Nicole Hepp Hannes, Pedro Paludetto Silva de Paula Lopes, Shinichiro Hirabayashi and Hideyuki Suzuki, “FIM – Flow-Induced Motion of Three-Column Platforms”, IJOPE, Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2020, pp. 177, 185.
- Valerio Bianchi, Leandro S.P. Silva, Fredi Cenci, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Suzuki, Rodolfo T. Gonçalves, “Spoiler Plate Effects on the Suppression of Vortex-Induced Motions of a Single Circular Cylinder”, Ocean Engineering 210(2020)107569.
- Yasuo Yoshimura, Koichi Takase, Hirofumi Fukui, Hideyuki Suzuki, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, “Simulation of Ship Drift Motion with a Simplified Mathematical Model under the Wind”, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.31, pp.47-57, 2020. (in Japanese)
- Gonçalves, R. T., Hannes, N. H., Chame, M. E. F., Lopes, P. P. S. P., Hirabayashi, S. and Suzuki, H., “FIM-Flow-induced Motions of Four-Column Platforms”, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 95, pp.102019-1〜14, 2020.
- Gonçalves, R. T., Hirabayashi, S., Vaz, G. and Suzuki, H., “Force Measurements of the Flow Around Arrays of Three and Four Columns With Different Geometry Sections, Spacing Ratios and Incidence Angles”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 142(2), pp. 02140-1〜22, 2020.
- Houtani, H., Ota, D., Taguchi, H. & Ueno, M., “Reproducing an opposing sea in an experimental wave basin based on a hindcast spectrum”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 1-8, 2020.
- H. Yasukawa, R. Sakuno, Y. Yoshimura :Practical maneuvering simulation method of ships considering the roll-coupling effect ,ournal of Marine Science and Technology , 24(4), 2019.12
- Daisuke Terada, Hironori Yasukawa, Yasuo Yoshimura, Masashi Matsuda: A Roll Response Model during Maneuvering, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 30, p.49-57, 2019.12 (in Japanese)
- C. Nishizaki, T. Okazaki, H. Yabuki, Y. Yoshimura :Simulation study on the Influence of EEDI Requirements to Shiphandling in Heavy Weather, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 13(4), p.855-860,2019.12
- Adilah, A, Kabashima, R, Iijima, K, Oh, S, Suzuki, H, "Stochastic Approach for Fatigue Damage Evaluation in SPAR Type FOWT Subject to Combined Wind and Wave Loads", JCOSSAR A 2019.
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Mayuko Takaoka, "Settling of Riser Cable due to Biofouling and Change of Response Characteristics", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.30, pp.79-90, 2019. (in Japanese)
- Lopes, P. P. S. P., Rosetti, G. F., Hannes, N. H., Chame, M. E. F., Hirabayashi, S., Suzuki, H. and Goncalves, R. T. "CFD Evaluation and Experimental Comparison on Flow Around Fixed Multi-Column Configurations", Marine System & Ocean Technology, Vol.14, Issue 4, pp. 166-191, 2019.
- Oh, S., Ishii K., Iijima, K. and Suzuki, H.、“Implementation of potential flow hydrodynamics to time-domain analysis of flexible platforms of floating offshore wind turbines”, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, Volume 1104, 2019.
- Goncalves, R. T., Chame, M. E. F., Hannes. N. H., Lopes, P. P. S. P., Hirabayashi, S., and Suzuki, H. "FIM-Flow-Induced Motions of a Three-Column Platform", International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2019.
- Kuroda, T., Hara, S., Houtani, H. & Ota, D., “Direct stability assessment for excessive acceleration failure mode and validation by model test”, Ocean Engineering, 187, 2019.
- Houtani, H., Waseda, T., Tanizawa, K. & Sawada, H., “Temporal variation of modulated-wave-train geometries and their influence on vertical bending moments of a container ship”, Applied Ocean Research, 86, 128-140, 2019.
- Suzuki, H., Xiong, J., Carmo, L. H. S., Vieira, D. P., Mello, P. C., Malta, E. B., Simos, A. N. and Hirabayashi, S., “Elastic Response of a Light-Weight Floating Support Structure of FOWT with Guywire Supported Tower”, 24(4), 1015-1028, 2019.
- Endo, H. and Suzuki, H., “Beating vibration phenomenon of a very large floating structure”, J. of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.23, No.3, pp.662-677, 2018.
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Asuka Michihiro, Hiroshi Ookubo, Atsuo Ootake, "Wear of Shallow Water Moorings for a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.27, pp.133-138, 2018. (in Japanese)
- Asuka MICHIHIRO, Atsuo OOTAKE, Hiroshi OOKUBO, Hideyuki SUZUKI, Eiji TOKUDA, "DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF MOORING LINES ON FLOATING WIND TURBINE", Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), Vol.73, No.2, p. I_719-I_724, 2017. (in Japanese)
- Sadato Sugiyama, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Akio Usami, Koki Hirano, Hideyuki Suzuki, Masahiko Ozaki, Masanori Kyo and Eigo Miyazaki, "Development of New Device for Reduction of Fluctuating Lift on Riser Pipe", IJOPE, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 244–250, 2016.
- T.Sugita and H.Suzuki, “A study on TLP Hull Sizing by Utilizing Optimization Algorithm", J. of Marine Science and Technology, pp.1-9, 2016.
- Haruki Fukuoka, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Suzuki, “The Effects of Free Surface and End Cell on Flow around a Finite Circular Cylinder with Low Aspect Ratio”, J. of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.21, pp.145-153, 2016.
- Yo Fukui, Hirotake Yokota, Hiroyuki Yano, Masatoshi Kondo, Tomofumi Nakano, Yasuo Yoshimura: "4-DOF Mathematical Model for Manoeuvring Simulation including Roll Motion", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 24, p.167-179, 2016.12 (in Japanese)
- Yasuo Yoshimura, Masatoshi Kondo, Tomofumi Nakano, Rikizo Yamashita, "Equivalent Simple Mathematical Model for the Manoeuvrability of Twin-propeller Ships under the same propeller-rps", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 24, p.157-166, 2016.12 (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, "Optimization of Static Mooring Performance of a Shallow Water Mooring of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.22, pp.95-100, 2015. (in Japanese)
- Minoru Hashiura, Shinitiro Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Suzuki, "Shape and Array Effect of Floating Body for Vortex-Induced Motion", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.22, pp.75-82, 2015. (in Japanese)
- Mitsuhiro NAKAMURA, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Daisaku SHIKEN, Fumiaki SAITO "Development of Free-running Test Techniques Using a Small Ship Model", The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation, 133, p.88-94, 2015.12 (in Japanese)
- Masatoshi KONDO, Hiroyuki YANO, Yo FUKUI, Yasuo YOSHIMURA "Simple Simulation Model for Manoeuvring Ship Motion of Twin-propeller and Single-rudder Ships", The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation, 133, p.28-33, 2015.12 (in Japanese)
- H. Yasukawa, Y. Yoshimura: Introduction of MMG standard method for ship maneuvering predictions, JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 20(1), p.37-52, 2015.3
- Hajime SHIBATA, Hideyuki SUZUKI, Shinichirou HIRABAYASHI "Effects of Wave Conditions on the Negative Damping of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine", Wind Energy, Vol.106, pp.27-32, 2013. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Hajime Shibata, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Shinichiro Hirabayashi, Kimiko Ishii, Hiroki Kikuchi, "Development and Verification of Analysis Code "UTWind" for Rotor-Floater-Mooring Coupled Response of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol.18, 2013.
- Hideyuki SUZUKI, Seiji MATSUO, Katsunori OKAYA, Jun SADAKAI,"A Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Tank and the Preservation Characteristics of Methane Hydrate for Natural gas Stockpiling using Cold Energy of LNG",Journal of MMIJ, Vol.127, pp.69-76, 2011. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki SUZUKI, Masaru KURIMOTO, Yu KITAHARA, Yukinari FUKUMOTO, "A Study on Scenario and Risk of Progressive Drifting of Spar-Typed Floating Wind Turbines in a Wind Farm", Wind Energy, 91, 2009, pp.96-103. (in Japanese)
- Chang-Kyu Rheem, Fumihiro Suzuki, Hideyuki Suzuki, Kentaroh Kokubun, "VIV Response of Inclined Underwater Line Structure", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol. 9 (2009) , No. 9, pp.97-105. (in Japanese)
- Futami Yoshio, Hideyuki Suzuki, "Study of Floating Ocean Access Facility (1st Report) - Concept and Applicability -", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Vol. 10(2009), pp. 229-238. (in Japanese)
- Yoshio Futami, Hideyuki Suzuki, Kazuhiro Iijima, "Study of Floating Ocean Access Facility (2nd Report) - Design Example and Procedure -", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers Vol. 10(2009), pp. 239-247. (in Japanese)
- Riggs,R., Suzuki,H., Ertekinc, R.C., Kimd,J.W., and Iijima,K. :"Comparison of hydroelastic computer codes based on the ISSC VLFS benchmark”, Ocean Engineering, Vol.35, 2008, pp.589-597.
- Satoshi Nakada, Hideyuki Suzuki, "Wide-range and Short-term Damage Detection of a Large Floating Structure", Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 6, 2007, pp.159-166. (in Japanese)
- 大山巧, 嶋田健司, 石原孟, ファバンフック, 宮川昌, 助川博之, 鈴木英之 :"洋上風力発電のための軽量セミサブ浮体構造物の波浪動揺特性",PROCEEDINGS OF COASTAL ENGINEERING, JSCE, 53, 2006, pp.806-810. (in Japanese)
- Tomohiro Tejima, Hideyuki Suzuki, Toru Sato,"Time Evolution of VIV Response of Towed Pipe Based on Hydrodynamic Force Chart Calculated by CFD", Marine Engineering, 41(2), pp. 152-157. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki:” Overview of Mega-float : Concept, Design Criteria and Analysis and Design”, J. of Marine Structure, Vol.18, No.2, Pages 111-132, 2005.
- Hideyuki SUZUKI, Tetsuro ASHIDA, Kazuo ENOMOTO, Kiyokazu YAGO, Fengjun DUAN, "Optimization of SPAR Type Floating Wind Turbine", PROCEEDINGS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING IN THE OCEAN, Vol.21, 2005, pp.1047-1052. (in Japanese)
- Yoshiyasu Watanabe, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hirotomo Andou, Youichi Inazaki, "Research on the Joint Structure of CFRP Riser Pipe", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 195, 2004, pp.271-281. (in Japanese)
- Satoshi Nakada, Hideyuki Suzuki, "Optimization of the Dynamic Response of a Semi-Submersible Type Megafloat", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 196, 2004, pp.207-215. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Toshiki Chujo, Akihide Osada, "Study on the Optimization of Structural Weigh of Semi Submersible type Mega-Float (SSMF)", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 191, 2002, pp.309-316. (in Japanese)
- Takuya SHIMURA, Yasutaka AMITANI, Takao SAWA, Yoshitaka WATANABE, Hideyuki SUZUKI, "Research on Improvement of the Propulsion Maneuver System of SHINKAI6500", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 191, 2002, pp.125-133 (in Japanese)
- Suzuki,H. :"Safety Target of Very Large Floating Structure Used for Floating Airport", J. of Marine Structure, Vol.14, No.1-2, 2001, pp.103-113.
- Masanobu,S., Yoshida,K., Suzuki,H. & Oka,N. :"Estimation of Wind Loads on VLFS of Semisubmersible Type", J. of Marine Structure, Vol.13, No.4-5, 2000, pp.245-260.
- Iijima,K., Yoshida,K. & Suzuki,H. :"Discussion on Design of Dynamic Response of Very Large Floating Structures", J. of Marine Science and Technology, 2000.
- Ide,T., Suzuki,H., Yoshida,K. and Oka,N. :"Progressive Collapse Behavior of Mooring System of VLFS", J. of Marine Science and Technology, 2000.
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Keisuke Watanabe, "Development of Three-Dimensional Control Method and Experimental Verification for Deep Sea Drilling Riser", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 188, 2000, pp.335-342. (in Japanese)
- Suzuki,H., Qi,T. and Watanabe,K. :"Learning Tracking Controller under Unknown Disturbances for the Installation of Rigid and Flexible Structures", J. of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.4, No.4, 1999, pp.187-199.
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Susumu Tanaka, "Basic Research on an Anti-Recoil System of a Deepsea Riser", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 186, 1999, pp.393-400. (in Japanese)
- Taro Ide, Hideyuki Suzuki, Noriaki Oka, Koichiro Yoshida, "Progressive Collapse of Mooring System of Semisubmersible Type Floating Structure -Moored by Inclined Tension Legs-", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 186, 1999, pp.377-383. (in Japanese)
- Kazuhiro Iijima, Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "Consideration on Reponse Characteristics of Large Semi-submersibles for Optimization of Structural Configuration", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 186, 1999, pp.385-392. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "Existence of Fixed Point in the Frequency Response of Deepsea Riser and its Influence on the Design", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 183, 1998, pp.491-497. (in Japanese)
- Kazuhiro Iijima, Koichiro Yoshida, Suzuki Hideyuki, "Structural response characteristics of semi-submersible V.L.F.S. in waves and fundamental guideline to the structural design", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 183, 1998, pp.483-490. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Sotaro Masanobu, Suzuki Hideyuki, Noriaki Oka, "Estimation of Lift Forces on Offshore Structures with Deck Supported by Substructures", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 183, 1998, pp.65-75. (in Japanese)
- Taro Ide, Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "Effect of In-plane Elastic Response and Space Correlation of Wind on Progressive Collapse Behavior of Mooring System of Very Large Floating Structure", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 183, 1998, pp.189-198. (in Japanese)
- Tao Qi, Hideyuki Suzuki, Keisuke Watanabe, Noriaki Oka, Kazuo Enomoto, "Learning Tracking Controller for Underwater Flexible Structures under Unknown Disturbances", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 183, 1998, pp.425-433.
- Watanabe,K., Suzuki,H. and Yoshida,K. :"Active Control for Installation of Underwater Structures", J. of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.3, 1998, pp.151-160.
- Kazuhiro Iijima, Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, "Structural Analyses of Very Large Semi-submersibles in Waves", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 181, 1997, pp.281-288. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Tomonari Ishizaka, "A Consideration on the Elastic Response and Design of Deepwater Riser", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 181, 1997, pp.271-279. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Keisuke Watanabe, Qi Tao, Koichiro Yoshida, "Basic Research on Automatic Installation of Underwater Flexible Structure Using Active Control", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 182, 1997, pp.199-205. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "A Consideration on the Dynamic Behavior and the Structural Design of Large Scale Floating Structure : 2nd Report : Stability of Elastic Structure and Design of Elastic Response", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 179, 1996, pp.339-348. (in Japanese)
- Suzuki,H., Yoshida,K. and Iijima,K :"A Consideration on the Structural Design of a Large-scale Floating Structure", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.1, No.5, 1996, pp.255-267.
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Ikuo Hosomi, Hideo Nahata, "The evaluation on the effect of tsunami and seaquake on the floating structure", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 180, 1996, pp.403-409. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Taro Ide, "Systematic Analysis on Mooring Systems of Floating Structures", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 180, 1996, pp.165-174. (in Japanese)
- Suzuki,H., Yoshida,K. and Watanabe,K. :"Active Control of Elastic and Rigid Body Response of a Three Dimensional Underwater Structure", Journal of OMAE, Vol.117, 1995, pp.30-37.
- Koichiro Yoshida, Makoto Nishigaki, Hideyuki Suzuki, Kazuo Enomoto, Toshiki Wani, "Structural Planning of a Middle Size Floating Airport", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 178, 1995, pp.495-504. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Kazuhiro Iijima, Noriaki Oka, "Analyses of Response of Large Floating Structures in Waves and Hydrodynamic Interaction Effects on Their Design", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 178, 1995, pp.297-304. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Qi Tao, "Tracking Controller of Offshore Structure under Unknown Disturbances", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 178, 1995, pp.305-311. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Takuya Shimura, Koichiro Yoshida, Noriaki Oka, "A Basic Research on a Control of Underwater Structure by Adaptive Control", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 178, 1995, pp.485-494. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "A Consideration on the Dynamic Behavior and the Structural Design of Large Scale Floating Structure", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 178, 1995, pp.473-483. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Keisuke Watanabe, Koichiro Yoshida, Shigeki Ishida, "Operability Improvement of Deepsea Riser by Active Control", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 176, 1994, pp.223-232. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Kazuhiro Iijima, Hideyuki Suzuki, Tokuaki Oka, "Hydrodynamic Interaction Effects on Wave Exciting Force in Large Scale Floating Structures (2nd Report)", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 176, 1994, pp.185-192. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Dongho Nam, Motohiko Murai, Akio Usami, Shigeki Ishida, "Basic Research on the Automatic Reentry of Deepwater Riser by Active Control", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 174, 1993, pp.865-874. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Keisuke Watanabe, "Installation of Flexible Underwater Structure by Active Control of Elastic Response", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 174, 1993, pp.855-864. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Noriaki Oka, Kazuhiro Iijima, Takuya Shimura, Toshiro Arima, "Hydrodynamic Interaction Effects on Wave Exciting Force in Large Scale Floating Structures", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 174, 1993, pp.243-251. (in Japanese)
- Masao Morikawa, Hideyuki Suzuki, Kuniteru Ishikawa, Koichiro Yoshida, "A Study on Installation Procedure of Pre-fabricated Tendon of TLP", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 171, 1992, pp.561-570. (in Japanese)
- Suzuki,H. and Yoshida,K. :"Three Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Method of Underwater Line Structure and its Validation", Transaction of the ASME, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol.114, No.3, 1992, pp.139-145.
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Eigo Miyazaki, Masao Morikawa, Kuniteru Ishikawa, "Active Control of Flexible Underwater Line Structure under Installation", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 172, 1992, pp.501-509. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Dongho Nam, Motohiro Hineno, Shigeki Ishida, "Active Control of TLP Hull Motion and Tendon Strain", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 172, 1992, pp.511-518. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hiroko Suzuki, Noriaki Oka, Takashi Nakai, Yasumiti Sugamata, "Development of a New Type Structure for Ocean Space Utilization of Middle Water (3rd report) -Design of Relief System from Earthquake and Evaluation of Its Function-", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 172, 1992, pp.529-538. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Toshiro Arima, Hideyuki Suzuki, "A Ring-like Semisubmergible for Ocean Space Utilization of Middle Water", Journal of Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies, 3, 1991, pp.1-7. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Takeshi Asato, "Transverse Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on Towed Vibrating Cylinders", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 170, 1991, pp.265-275. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "Controlled Upending of Deep Water TLP Tendons", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 170, 1991, pp.359-368. (in Japanese)
- Yoshida,K., Suzuki,H. and Oka,N. :"Control of Dynamic Responses of Towerlike Offshore Structures in Waves", Transaction of the ASME, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol.112, 1990, pp.14-20.
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Tanaka, Hideharu Nagai, "An Experimental Consideration on Control of a ROV for Lifting Objects", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 168, 1990, pp.297-307. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Method of Underwater Line Structure and its Validation", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 168, 1990, pp.379-387. (in Japanese)
- Hideyuki Suzuki, Koichiro Yoshida, Shigenori Mishima, "Response Control of Articulated Tower-like Offshore Structure with Plural Hinges", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 164, 1988, pp.478-487. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Noriaki Oka, "A Trial of Response Control of Tower-like Offshore Structures", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 161, 1987, pp.316-324. (in Japanese)
- Koichiro Yoshida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Noriaki Oka, "Lift Estimate and Response Analysis of Vertical Pipes Subjected to Regular Waves", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 158, 1985, pp.214-221. (in Japanese)
- Kunihiro Iida, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hideharu Nagai, "Effects of Tensile or Compressive Prestrain on Very Low Cycle Fatigue Life", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 156, 1984, pp.485-492. (in Japanese)