We are no longer accepting abstracts.

Please send an e-mail with your abstract to Luigi Cavaleri.

Please submit a short text, no more than a page, preferably in pdf.

E-mail: luigi.cavaleri [at] ismar.cnr.it
Subject: abstract WISE 2019
Deadline: Feb. 3, 2019

As usual there will be oral and poster presentations.


Brief Announcement

As anticipated in Tel Aviv, the 2019 WISE meeting will be hosted by Takuji Waseda (University of Tokyo, Japan). The venue will be a suitable location about one hour by bus from Sapporo (Hokkaido). The purpose is to be all together in the same environment. Experience strongly suggests this is the best way to interact and to exchange discussions and information. An effort has been done to fit the meeting with the local cherry blossom. Actually we will be a bit late and unluckily climate change works the other way around, but variability is one of the characteristics of climate.

The dates will be 12-16 May 2019, with the usual ice-breaker on the 12 (Sunday afternoon), followed by four days of lectures, including a half day field trip. The registration fee, that for organization reasons has not yet been framed, will be between 250 and 300 US$.

 Luigi Cavaleri

Full Announcement from Luigi Cavaleri (PDF)

Mt. Mikasa in Spring